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Sponge media is a cluster of abrasive media with urethane sponge as adhesive, which combines the containment capability of urethane sponge with the cleaning and cutting power of traditional blasting media. It flattens out during impact, exposing the abrasives to the surface with certain and profile created. When leaving the surface, the sponge expands back to regular size creating a vacuum which absorbs most of the contaminants, and therefore improves the sand blasting environment.

Sponge Media are available in over 20 types,achieving profiles from 0 to 100+ micron.All procides dry,low dust,low rebound blasting.
The most commomly used is TAA-S series with aluminum oxide and TAA-G series with steel grit.




*Low dust

The sponge media can adsorb more than 95% degradation of dust and impurities occurring in the process of sand blasting because of the porous structure of special sponge.


--The porous sponge media creates no violent splash and rebound, thus improves the safety by reducing eye and skin injuries.
--The low dust blasting improves the visibility, blasting efficiency and quality while reducing the dust intake,
benefiting the health of the public, which well satisfies the requirements of energy saving and emission reduction.
--The entrapping and fire resistant sponge can control the spark effectively during operation, thus applicable to
continuous construction of the inflammable and explosive fields like offshore engineering and petrochemical.

*High efficiency

-Achieving high quality surface treatment for sensitive and limited area, particularly suitable for partial sand blasting, and
causing no secondary damage to the surrounding coating.
-Recycled 6-15 times.


Portable with small density, the equipment is small in size, convenient to move and handling, simple operation process,
suitable for treatment of the narrow space and special area.


Application fields

Widely used in Marine, Offshore Engineering, Military, Petrochemical Project, Aerospace & Aviation, Nuclear Power,
Historic Restoration, Wall Cleaning, Building Maintenance etc.



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